Penthouse Pet of the Month August 2006 Olivia Kent

Penthouse Pet of the Month August 2006 Olivia Kent (Picture courtesy of

21st Century Penthouse Pets presents free pictures and videos galleries, biography information and interesting links about Olivia Kent, August 2006 Penthouse Pet of the Month.

  • Age: 40 years old
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Stats: 34C-26-33
  • Hometown: Hazleton, Pennsylvania
  • I'm shy, so it surprised me how relaxed I felt at the photo shoot. It was my first time getting naked in front of a camera, but I was ripping off my clothes in no time! Dare me to do anything, and I'll do it. I'm a bartender at a strip club and I entered amateur night. I just walked naked around the stage and won first place!

